What is the Best Treatment For Depression and Anxiety?

rtmfsDepression and anxiety are the problems, if not treated on time can take severe turn and spoil patient’s life. There are various treatments for these problems, some of which include medications while some like rTMS, PEMF and magnet therapy are medication free treatments for depression. Find out different treatments below:

Medication is the first resort to solve for depression and anxiety treatment. There are patients who don’t get relief from the medicines. For them rTMS therapy is the solution suggested by doctors. Sometimes doctors also suggest some dietary supplements to augment medication effects. But psychotherapy is the only solution for permanent treatment of depression.

Though these treatments have been used for a long period, there has been some improvement. There are new rTMS devices for depression treatment. These devices stimulate the brain and dead cells to make it work properly. Sometimes you might also be suggested self-meditation to boost the results from therapy.

Also called psychotherapy, this treatment basically starts with counseling session. In this the psychiatrist understands the basic cause of depression and anxiety and suggests treatment accordingly. He/she finds out different techniques to deal with the problem and treat depression. Medical professionals also suggest magnet therapy for depression for the patients who are completely resistant to medicines.

In some parts of the world repetitive trans cranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) therapy is still considered an experimental treatment, but some countries like US have approved it. It has unmatched results for the patients suffering from severe depression. In this therapy a magnetic wire coil is fitted on the patient’s head, which is charged with an electrical current. It creates magnetic pulse to stimulate nerve cells in the brain that controls mood.

Depression has become a common problem nowadays, but some people still feel ashamed to accept it. Instead of seeking help, they keep fighting with it and end up taking some wrong steps. Support at the right time is essential to treat depression. Patients today have several spots like medicines, dietary plans, counseling and rTMS treatment. Based on your situation and suggestion by the doctor, you can opt for the best treatment for you.

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